We are pleased to further expand our presence in the German wastewater market with Stadtentwässerungsbetrieb Paderborn (STEB) joining our APX® platform.
The city of Paderborn is an innovative German municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia with approximately 158,000 inhabitants. Stadtentwässerungsbetrieb Paderborn (STEB) is operated as a municipal enterprise of the city of Paderborn and is responsible to ensure proper wastewater disposal in the area of the city of Paderborn. This includes over 1,000 kilometers of sewer networks with numerous special buildings.
STEB has chosen our innovative APX® software platform to gain dynamic insights into data as a basis for optimized decision-making related to the strategic renovation of pipelines and the management of wastewater infrastructure. The software platform is intended to serve as a digital asset management tool for the sewer network and will be used for both planning and operations.
Markus Beine, Operations Manager at STEB, comments on the new partnership with APX10 as follows:
“The cloud-based approach to comprehensive data management, along with the compact visualization and intuitive user interface of APX10, quickly convinced us. We expect an optimized overall view of asset, condition, and operational data for even more sustainable investment and operational decisions. We are particularly looking forward to being able to contribute our ideas to the development of the software.”

Markus Beine
Operations Manager STEB
“We are delighted to welcome Stadtentwässerungsbetrieb Paderborn (STEB), a modern and forward-thinking network operator from Germany, to our APX® platform. STEB Paderborn has recognized the potential and value of data in the field of urban drainage for optimized rehabilitation planning, and together, we will further strengthen our platform and work towards advancing digitalization in Germany.”

Ulrich Borup Hansen
If you share this interest in digitization and improving your strategic asset management in modern planning and operational work, we look forward to introducing ourselves and engaging in discussions with you.
We will be at IFAT 2024 in Munich in May – come and visit us!