Financial investment impact

The Economy module of APX® brings detailed information of the financial impact related to network investments.

Key features:

  • Instant and dynamic price estimates for network reinvestment.
  • Intuitive BI visualization of network composition such as age, material, depreciation etc.
  • Individual adjustment prices and share of dig and no-dig replacements.

These features allow you to refine your decision-making process and determine the best strategies based on financial impact and reinvestment knowledge, thereby improving your financial risk management.

Related modules

APX module

The APX module offers a unique way of operating with individual criteria for reinvestment prioritization.

Data quality assessment

The Data Quality module brings immediate network and GIS insights to harvest full value of the utility network analysis of APX®.

Inflow & Infiltration (I&I)

Excess water that flows into a sewer network from stormwater or groundwater—also known as inflow and infiltration